Teatro Moderno, Grosseto
Stefano Fresi acting voice
Mr. Enrico Melozzi Conductor
Orchestra Città di Grosseto
Pierino e il Lupo is a 1936 opera by Sergei Prokofiev.
The opera was commissioned by the Central Children’s Theatre of Moscow, with the aim of bringing young people closer to music; for this reason each character in the story is represented by a musical instrument that intervenes in the story with a motif that characterizes the various protagonists respectively: Pierino, the bird, the duck, the cat, the grandfather, the wolf, the hunters and the shooting of their rifles. The story is considered simple but at the same time engaging and is a "classic" appreciated by adults and children over the years has achieved the goal of bringing a large audience to music.
STEFANO FRESI (acting voice) - In pocket has a diploma of classical maturity and a diploma of conservatory. At the Sapienza of Rome he studied the history of cinema, theatre and music. He held the chair of Theory, Harmony, Arrangement and Symphonic Orchestration and held seminars on music composition for images and computer use for music at Percento Musica. He has collaborated with several schools including the St.Louis jazz school in Rome, the Roma Rock School. Teaching director and teacher of Piano, Theory, Harmony at the Studio Uno school in Rome until 2008. He has worked with the trio Favete Linguis since 1994, with whom he has participated in countless theatrical performances, television broadcasts (Domenica in, Sabato italiano, Maurizio Costanzo Show, Porta a porta, Tickle, Casa amore e fantasia) and radio (Today is Sunday, Yay Radio Two, Radio Two Social Club).
A very active composer, he creates theme songs and Jingles for advertising and for national and satellite networks. His jingle of all Rai channels aired since 2010, his the theme of the series Romanzo Criminale per SKY.
As composer he has collaborated with Giuseppe Tornatore, Gigi Proietti, Attilio Corsini, Leone Pompucci, Anna Negri, Davide Luchetti, Riccardo Grandi.
ENRICO MELOZZI (conductor) - The artistic encounter with Michael Riessler represented for Enrico the overture to contemporary music, a collaboration that led him to collaborate with the most important musicians on the world stage.
In Rome he debuted as a conductor at the Auditorium Parco della Musica with his work on Oliver Twist, which was followed by a series of soundtracks for short films, feature films and theatrical performances.
2007 marks the birth of the independent record label "Cinik Records" and Melozzi’s artistic breakthrough reaches a point of no return, the transition is epochal as revolutionary. Start the extraordinary collaborations with important names in the national and international women’s music scene, Sarah Jane Morris, Noemi, Jenny B, Elsa Lila and Antonella Ruggiero.
Together with Sollima, Melozzi was the promoter of the first maxi-reunion of cellists in Italy, which was held at the Teatro Valle Occupato from 16 to 18 March 2012, and brought together more than 140 cellists from all over Europe. The 2013 edition saw the 100 cellos on stage at the May Day concert in Rome in Piazza San Giovanni. In 2011, the West Australian Ballet commissioned him to compose the symphonic ballet in two acts "Pinocchio-The Ballet" successfully performed in Perth, at His Majestic Theatre, by the West Australian Symphony Orchestra.
The entire proceeds of the concert will be donated to the Meyer Children's Hospital Foundation for the neuro-oncological research project in memory of Maria Sole, festa di Sole
Supporto alla valorizzazione dell’immagine della Toscana – Maremma Toscana Area Sud
Progetto Maremma Toscana Area Sud